File upload

Please type in the ID of the interrogated locus



This application is a graphical user interface (GUI) to the algorithms implemented in the R-package 'rBiasCorrection'.
If you use these 'BiasCorrector' or 'rBiasCorrection' packages to correct DNA methylation data for a publication, please refer to the 'Info'-tab to find out how to cite them.

You can test this application with example data by pressing the 'Load Example Data'-button below.

Data Input: Experimental Data

Please upload the CSV file* containing the experimental data.
Max. file size: 100 MB
*For the specific CSV file requirements please refer to our FAQ!

Data Input: Calibration Data

Please upload the CSV files* containing the calibration data.
Max. file size: 100 MB
*For the specific CSV file requirements please refere to our FAQ!

Regression Plot

Plot Selection

Regression Statistics

Download Regression Statistics

BiasCorrect Experimental Data


Select Regression Model

BiasCorrected Results

Substituted values

Download Substitutions

What are 'substitutions'?

BiasCorrected Regression Plots

Calibration data corrected with hyperbolic regression:
Calibration data corrected with cubic polynomial regression:

Efficiency of BiasCorrection

Theoretical efficiency of BiasCorrection with hyperbolic regression:
Theoretical efficiency of BiasCorrection with cubic polynomial regression:

Plot Selection



Download Log File


[CAUTION: This is an experimental feature and has neither been tested nor validated!]

Expert Settings

It is recommended to not change these settings unless you know exactly, what you are doing!

The seed makes the calculation of the unknowns of both, the hyperbolic and the cubic regression equation reproducible.
If you need a different resolution of the resulting plots, you can set the plot height (in inches) manually here.
If you need a different resolution of the resulting plots, you can set the plot width (in inches) manually here.
The font size of the plots. It is passed further to the 'size'-argument of ggplot2's 'element_text' function.

Please note, that the decimal separator of the numeric input fields is depending on your operating system's and/or your browser's language settings. It can be a comma (',') or a period ('.').


If you use these 'BiasCorrector' or 'rBiasCorrection' packages to correct DNA methylation data for a publication, please cite them as follows:


rBiasCorrection: 0.2.9
BiasCorrector: 0.1.4